Monday, March 8, 2010

How Do We Love God?

Jenn and I have been reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan together. We have been watching the intro videos on line and reading the corresponding chapter. Tonight we read Chapter 3 titled Crazy Love, and it really convicted me. It made me realize that I have not always showed our Heavenly Father the love He wants from us. So many times we serve Him thinking it is out of a pure "crazy" love for him, when in reality it is through some kind of pious duty in our minds. Well I should not speak for us all, but that is what has been my personal experience at times in the past.

I feared Him, not out of reverence toward him, but out of fear of punishment for sin. Of course He must punish us for our sins. (For the wages of sin is death-Romans6:23). I sometimes forget He also wants us to come to Him with that sense of trust, security, and comfort. Imagine how our children come to us with that sense of trust, security, and comfort. Even more so, we must go to the Father as our own children come to us. If we desire it from our own children, then imagine how much more He desires it from us. Our love for our children is nothing compared to our Heavenly Father's love for us. He loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for the forgiveness of our sins.

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